Saturday, December 13, 2008


We have been asking Easton if he wanted to go see Santa for a couple of weeks now. He always said that he did. We were kind of skeptical though. We thought that he would be scared. But luckily he wasn't. We told him that when Santa asked what he wanted for Christmas that he needed to tell him. So when we sat him on Santa's lap he asked him "What is your name?". And Easton said "I want choo choo trains". I guess he was a little excited to tell him what he wanted.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Check out my Guns

Here is Easton at his swim lessons again. We bought him a wet suit for Christmas but it was too cute to wait for him to wear it.

Utah Man to the rescue !!!

The week before the Utah vs. TCU game they were handing out free black towels at the book store because the game was going to be a "blackout". I picked one up for Easton and brought it home. But he didn't use it as a towel. He had to use it as a cape. Watch out, Utah Man to the rescue. But it looks like he forgot to remove his glasses so his secret identity is blown.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The NEW Easton,

We had been noticing that Easton's right eye would go crossed every once in a while so we took him to the doctor a week or so ago. The doctor told us that he had a lazy eye and that he would have to wear glasses. We got them for him today. I was really depressed for a couple of days after finding out he would have to get them. I know how mean kids can be and how it sucks not to be able to see how you are supposed to. I wish that he didn't have to go through this. The doctor said that the glasses should fix it in a couple of years. And if not they will do eye muscle surgery. I really hope that we don't have to go that far. But on the good side he doesn't hate his glasses so maybe it will be an easy transition.

Monday, November 3, 2008


1.Where did you first meet? Everyone always asks us that and we arent really sure, I think I have always known who he was, but I had a major crush starting in the 8th grade.
2. How long did you date before getting married? 4 1/2 years
3. How long have you been married? 4 years this week, and I still think marriage is great!
4. What does he do that surprises you? I think I have him pegged, we have known each other too long for suprises.
5. What is your favorite feature of his? His dimples and smile, and his eyes
6. What is your favorite quality of his? He is such a hard worker and would do anything for me and Easton, also how easy going he is.
7. Does he have a nickname for you? No, who knows what he calls me when I am not around! Just kidding.
8. What is his favorite color? Green.
9. What is his favorite food? Lasagna
10. What is his favorite sport? Baseball for sure
11. When and where was your first kiss? It was the summer to junior year on my parents front porch.
12. What is your favorite thing to do as a couple? We love to play the wii and the xbox, but never have time to do it.
13. Do you have any children? 1 with one on the way, Easton is just like Zac it is crazy!
14. Does he have a hidden talent? He will kill me for saying this, but the boy can dance! He has the best toe touch I have ever seen. He also knows so many weird and random facts about everything, especially alcohol. I think he is secretly an alcoholic!
15. How old is he? 24, which is starting to seem old somehow!
16. Who said I love you first? I am pretty sure it was Zac, but dont quote me on that.
17. What is his favorite type of music? I think he likes a little bit of everything.
18. What do you admire most about him? He is nice to everyone, all of the time. He is also so much fun to be around. He never takes anything too seriously and can always find something to laugh at even in a hard situation.
19. Do you think he'll read this? I am not sure, he doesn't get on the blog very much. Just in case, we love you Zac! Thanks for all you do for us.


What is your husband's full name: Zacry William Cloward
How long have you been married? 4 years
How long did you date? 4 1/2 years
How old is he? 24
Who eats more sweets? For sure me, he hates sweets, crazy, I know!
Who said "I love you" first? I think Zac did
Who is taller? Zac is by a foot!
Who can sing best? lets just say we both really suck
Who is smarter? For sure Zac, I get more stupid every day
Who does the laundry? I wash it and fold it, but Zac carries it downstairs to the dryers.
Who pays the bills? I used to, but we recently switched it over to Zac
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do
Who mows the lawn? neither, the joy of renting!
Who cooks dinner? I usually do, but sometimes Zac will
Who drives? I do, Zac is way too blind to drive
Who kissed who first? He kissed me
Who asked who out first? Zac did, we went to a movie and I fell asleep, on our first date!
Who wears the pants? I think we each have a leg in there!

Friday, October 17, 2008

What do you think Chuck?

Well, it's 129 to the hole, with an elevated green. I think you should go with a full 8.

FORE !!!!!

We bought Easton this Halloween costume. This is the Place Heritage Park had a Trick-or-Treat for the kids this weekend so we took him up to have some fun. He loved his costume and had to walk around the court to show all of his friends.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Floating away

Here is another picture of Easton at his swimming lessons. He just floats away on his own. He is doing really well. The last lesson was kind of hard. His lessons are right during lunch and nap time so he was fussy and really tired. We are going to put him in private lessons once the semester is over.

Easton's going to be a Brother

So we took our parents out to dinner last week when we were in Price for Conference Weekend. And we put this shirt on Easton. We found it on the web and bought it for him. So when we took his coat off they all read the front. No big deal a lot of shirts say stuff. But then they read the back. They were a little surprised when they read it. They were excited, and so are we.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Michael Phelps Jr.

Well we are hoping that he becomes the next Michael Phelps but I think that is wishful thinking. Easton has been taking swim lessons since August. He goes once a week. Zac gets in the pool with him for his lessons. He is doing really good. He can already float on his back by himself. And he loves using his goggles. He is the oldest one is his lessons. He has five or six kids that take lessons with him and the oldest one is probably 18 months and the youngest one is around 6 months. Zac is the only Dad in the pool and the rest are mom's. It looks pretty weird when you watch a bunch of Mom's and then Zac.