Thursday, October 18, 2012


 It seemed like we were busy this whole summer, but I am not really sure what we did because we are awful at taking pictures.  We did get to spend a few weekends in Price and Cy got to hang out with his BFF Nolan.
 With three little boys in the house, we spent every day playing outside.  I am pretty sure Ken would live outside if we let him!
 We were lucky enough to get to the cabin and we had so much fun.  Easton loves driving the wave runner (even though he goes slower than mud!)
 With some convincing, Ken decided throwing rocks into the lake is the coolest thing ever
 It was so hot in Scofield, so poor Cy was stuck in the cabin or under the canopy of the boat
 G Potts took the kids out fishing.  One of the kids caught some junk fish and so Grandpa pulled out his knife and cut the head of the fish right in front of them.  They were a little shocked to say the least.

 We finally got the sailboat up and running and I forgot how much fun it is to go sailing on the lake
 Cy and Nolan again, they don't know it yet but they are going to be best buds

 We wore Ken out everynight.  Playing in the lake is hard work.
 Zac suprised us with a weekend getaway to Park City to see the fireworks over the 4th of July.  Unfortunately, that is when the big Highland/Alpine fire was so when we got to Park City and got checked into the hotel the fire chief cancelled all the fireworks.  It was a bummer, but we still had tons of fun.  That is when we learned Cy is not a fan on cold swimming pools!
 Zac and the boys doing some fireworks.  We only had snakes and sparklers because of all the fires.

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