Sunday, April 24, 2011


We started digging the foundation for our house the second week in March! We only go out once a week to look at the progress and it is amazing how much our builders get done in one weeks time!

Here is the foundation

The next week, it was almost completely framed!

The next few couple weeks we went out we forget to take any pictures, but this is Ken showing off his bedroom!

And here is Eastons room, he is so excited to have his own room again.

This is where the kitchen will be

And here is the entry

We have a massive 4 car garage and are so excited to finally have a garage.

This is our house! We are so excited to go into a new chapter with our little family. I never knew what to expect with building but it has been so fun to pick out exactly what we want and to see it come to life. If anyone is looking for a builder, we highly recommend Castle Creek Homes!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Batter Up!

We signed Easton up for a soccer league and a Tee ball league and it has been so much fun watching him! He plays 3 times a week and looks forward to it all day long. Ken is his biggest fan, whenever Easton scores a goal Ken claps and yells for him, too cute!

His coach has them stretch before each game so they don't "pull" any muscles

Easton has turned in to an amazing soccer player, he is a mad man out on the field. He scored 5 goals last game and 3 goals the week before that. He also blocks the other teams shots at the goal.

Ken thinks it is so great to get to crawl all around and explore at the field house. He also loves to eat all the little black rubber things they put in the turf

This is our first year of playing tee ball and Easton thinks it is the greatest thing to ever happen to him. He got to pick out his number and his picked #4 so he can be like his Daddy

He was so nervous about forgetting which way to run at his first game, but he figured it out. He can also smack that ball clear to the outfield

So we are into the Amazing Race and we love the cowboys, Jet and Cord. Each week, Easton has to get on his cowboy boots and his hat so he can be like the cowboys. He wouldnt stay still for long enough to take his picture but we got Ken in on the action!