Thursday, May 7, 2009


We want to say thanks to everyone who has given us their love, prayers, and friendship over the last couple of weeks. It has been, and will continue to be, a difficult time for us. But we are eternally grateful for all the friendships that we have and those that we have to lean upon. We hope that everyone can remember the joy that little ones bring into our lives and hopefully allow that joy to swell within us and spread that much needed joy in the world. Thanks to everyone.


Luke and Mary said...

I still think about you constantly and pray for your little family. I hope you are doing okay.

The Spicers said...

Your family will continue to be in our prayers! I know that Heavenly Father will continue to watch over you all and bless you! Just know that many people love you and hope you the best.

Kendal and Kendra said...

You guys amaze me! I just can't believe how you are doing it all. You are the best example to all of us around you! Please know we are here if you ever need anything! Kendal and I think the world of you guys! Both you and Zac are such great parents! I LOVE watching you with Easton. You are so sweet with him... and so much fun too! He is one lucky boy! Those pictures of Kamdyn are BEAUTIFUL! Her tiny little hands and feet are PERFECT!

Clark and Alicia said...

I'm not sure if you even know who I am....I'm Alicia(Penry)Radford, I grew up in the same stake as you and found your blog thru Mary's blog!
I just wanted to let you know how sorry I am for your loss, and that you and your family have been in my thoughts and prayers ever since I found out!

tsroybal said...

I love you guys. I think about you every day and wonder if there is anything I can do for you. Just know that we are here for you and that I'm just a phone a call away. Those little ones make our lives the fullest and when something like this happens it takes a piece of you. You and Zac are an inspiration to me and I have changed alot in my life just watching you two be the loving parents you are. Love you sister, Sandi

The Tams said...

Thank you! You guys really have been better examples and support to those around you during this time than I feel any of us have been to you. I am glad we have you guys in our lives. give me lots of free stuff! :) I have been researching on watering plants so I don't kill yours while you are gone. Thanks for the cookies! Your the BEST!

Jeff and Stacy said...

We love you guys! Have fun in California, we'll miss you. Jeff says to bring him back a foul ball :)